Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 5: Red Hollow Canyon (with Zeke) and Leaving Best Friends

Well, it was a good day.

I knew from the start that this was the final day of hiking in Utah and service at Best Friends for this trip.

I had been going back and forth about adopting Zeke, but after talking with my mom and seeing the comments of my many FB friends, and after Zeke jumped on the bed with me last night, I decided that Zeke would be an appropriate match for me.

I had been hanging on to the memory of Harold, and even thru the morning hikes, that sweet and shy guy remained heavy on my memories. I had  so many good times with him. But after returning Zeke to the run, I stopped by Angels Landing which is Best Friends Animal Sanctuary resting place for those sweet forevers who have crossed the rainbow bridge. Only when I walked among the many resting places, and read the endearing inscriptions was I able to realize that I had not let go of Harold.

Harold remained in me as a symbol of lost caring and lost remembrances and lost opportunities for new bonds. I broke down there in that memorial place and worked thru what I was holding on to ... refusing to let go. Harold had crossed the bridge, but not in my mind. I was still clinging to his indomitable spirit as he made those 15 mile hikes with me, to his courage as we worked patiently thru his trust issues and to his unrelenting love for me in my darker hours. After Lola crossed the bridge last January, Harold was always there for me for walks, to listen to me when I needed to talk and to be his sweet non-judgmental self.

By the time I left Angels Landing, I had calmed myself and said my goodbyes to Harold. Altho' I finally let go of him, I will never forget him. I looked  over the vermillion cliffs to the blue skies that has whispers of white clouds. I breathed one more sigh and exhaled my sorrows into those white wisps and imagined Harold somewhere up there, looking down on me and thanking for taking him into my life four years ago, when I was in Angels Landing then and finding myself ready to let go of Cleo.

Angels Landing Video

So after lunch, I stopped by the adoption center and completed the paperwork for Zeke. Best Friends will send Zeke to me on the 15th.   That sounds perfect so that I can prepare myself for a new responsibility and a new joy.

Todays Pictures

Today's hike in Red Hollow Canyon was memorable because it had more interesting slot canyons. Again, boulders and sharp drops prevented a complete exploration, but that was okay as I was a bit pressed to get back and check out of the Cowboy Bunkroom hostel.

I spent the afternoon cleaning and then socializing with two dogs with shyness and trust issues. Lilah ended up at Best Friends from another shelter. She is terrified of people. That I got her to take one treat from my hand after 1/2 hour was considered a success.


Then it was time to wrap up. I stopped by DogTown HQ and checked out, headed to the car and started my 3 1/2 hour drive to Las Vegas to catch the red-eye back to Rochester.


  1. I'm riding in the car to Boston with tears in my eyes reading your words sweet words about Harold. Thinking about my 14 year old Coty back in Rochester. Zeke is a lucky boy.

  2. I'm riding in the car to Boston with tears in my eyes reading your words sweet words about Harold. Thinking about my 14 year old Coty back in Rochester. Zeke is a lucky boy.

  3. Yvonne, thank you for expressing yourself so openly. I am glad to know someone else has been thru it. I was taking a chance being so open with my feelings in this blog, and your dear comments justified that risk. Larry
