Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 3 - Bill Bay Canyon with Zeke and Maggie's

Started the day early with a 6 am wakeup. Zeke and I did some quick prep and out we went to the car for our drive to Bill Bay Canyon, just north of Kanab.

You can see the terrain in this picture. Zeke and I hiked along the wash bed, so there wasn't too much climbing, but our feet got wet many times on fording the river (really a creek). Our path started at the "89" marker and went along the river bed to the blue dot, and back. Zeke was very trusting today. He let me carry him over the cattle guards which are widely-spaced metal slots over a deep trench. The point is to stop the cattle from escaping. They also prevent dogs from hiking in there. And they are a balance challenge to me to cross.

Pictures and Videos from the Bill Bay Canyon

After the hike and lunch, I reported back to DogTown Hq for the afternoon assignment. Since it is too hot to walk the dogs, and to be perfectly honest - I was exhausted from this morning's hike, I was interested in socializing and light activties.

Today they sent me over Maggie's where I passed the afternoon in some general cleanup duties, helped feed the dogs and then spent some time socializing. My first two socialites were pitbulls who were just the most loving and cuddly dogs. Both of them were so strong in their affection that I had to balance myself to keep from getting "knocked over with love".  Then I came across a shy fellow, Caffrey, with whom I spent some time just verbalizing and very gently touching, when he allowed it.

Today's Dogs


She's a beautiful girl but was returned to her former shelter because of 'guarding' issues.


Suffers from over-shyness and trust issues. I spent about 1/4 hour with him, just talking nonsense so that he would be a bit more used to people's voices.

By the way, Zeke is with me again. We are having another sleep over and have plans to hike the Buckskin Gulch slot canyon in the morning.

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